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ATO raises $973m in SG charge liabilities in FY 22-23

07 November 2023
ato raises 973 in sg charge liabilities in fy 22 23

The ATO finalised around 14,000 SG cases during the year, with around 90 per cent initiated by employees, recent ATO compliance figures show.

The ATO’s latest Super Guarantee Annual Employer Compliance results for 2022-23 indicates that a total of $973 million in superannuation guarantee charge (SGC) liabilities were raised from ATO compliance actions and employer disclosures of unpaid super.

The figure differs from the previous figure reported in the ATO’s annual report for 2022-23 due to adjustments for amendments and objections.

The ATO finalised approximately 14,000 SG cases which resulted in around $447 million in superannuation guarantee charge (SGC) liabilities and $157 million in Part 7 penalties.


Of these reviews, 12,600 were because of employee notification complaints which raised $379 million in SGC liabilities while 1,400 were ATO initiated reviews which resulted in $68 million in SGC liabilities.

The ATO received around 23,300 employee notifications of unpaid super during the 2022-23 year. Some of these notifications did not require further action to be undertaken.

The ATO distributed super entitlements to around 216,000 employees during the year.

Around 56,000 employers came forward to make a voluntary disclosure of unpaid super, resulting in around $445 million in SGC liabilities being raised.

SGC collectable debt climbs higher

The compliance data also indicates that super guarantee charge debt had climbed higher to $2,024 million at 30 June 2023. This is an increase from the $1,867 million in SGC collectable debt at the end of the previous financial year.

There is around $46 million in SGC debt which is currently subject to objection or appeal.

Around $168 million of SGC debt was part of payment plans at the end of 2022-23, a drop from $229 million at 30 June 2022. Eight per cent of employers with SGC debt have entered a payment plan, the ATO said.

The ATO also issued 3,659 director penalty notices in the 2022-23 year and sent reminders and prompts on obligations to approximately 134,000 employers.

About the author

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Miranda Brownlee is the news editor of Accounting Times, an online publication delivering analysis and insight to Australian accounting professionals. She was previously the deputy editor of SMSF Adviser and has broad business and financial services reporting experience, having written for titles including Investor Daily, ifa and Accountants Daily. You can email Miranda on: [email protected]


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